On the nature of Sets. EXPOSITION: language first order logic with primitive binary relations of: "part of" and " is a label of". Axiom I: x part of y iff [(for all z. z part of x -> z part of y) and Exist u. u part of y and not u part of x]. Define (atom): x is an atom iff not Exist y. y part of x. Define (atom of): x atom of y iff ( x part of y & x is an atom). Axiom II: For all x. x is an atom or Exist y. y atom of x. Any object in this theory is to be called an *aggregate* weather it is an atom or not, so a singleton aggregate is an atom while a non singleton aggregate is clearly an aggregate of atoms. Define (=): x=y iff for every non atom z. y part of z iff x part of z Axiom III: for all x. for all y. y is a label of x -> y is an atom Axiom IV: for all x. (Exist y. x is a label of y) -> Exist! y. x is a label of y. Axiom scheme V: if phi is a formula in which x is not free, then [(not Exist! atom y. phi) -> Exist x (for all y. y atom of x iff (y is an atom & phi))] is an axiom. A class is defined as: x is a class iff for all y,z. y atom of x and z atom of x and not y=z -> Exist u,w. y is a label of u and z is a label of w and not u=w. Epsilon membership e is defined as: y e x iff [x is a class & Exist z. z atom of x & z is a label of y]. A set is defined as: x is a set iff [x is a class and Exist y. y is a label of x]. So a set is a labeled class. An Ur-element is defined as an aggregate that is not a class. Or if one demands membership then it would be a labeled aggregate that is not a class (thus not a set). All of the above is an exact formal system specifying exactly what those terms are. Then if one want to add say axioms of ZF then she\he can extend the above system with those axioms restricted to *sets*. One can extend this system with any set\class theory provided that she\he makes the correct restrictions. Also this opens the door for studying many types of Ur-elements like those that are non class aggregates of labels of classes, those that are aggregates of many non labeling atoms or a mixture of both kinds, etc... Zuhair Al-Johar Nov 15 2011