Impredicative Set Theory "Imp.ST" is the collection of all sentences entailed from FOL with equality and membership by the following non logical axioms: I. Extensionality: (z)(z e x <-> z e y) ->x=y II. Transitive Closure: (x)[y](x c y & transitive(y) & (z)(x c z & transitive(z) -> y c z)) where c is subset relation; and transitive(y):= (m)(m e y -> m c y). Define: y=TC(x):= (z)(z e y <-> (t)(x c t & transitive(t)-> z e t)) III. Impredicative Comprehension: if phi is a formula in which x is not free, then ([x](y)(y e x <-> phi & ~x e TC(y) & ~y=x)) is an axiom. Define: x is a {y|phi}:= (y)(y e x <-> phi & ~x e TC(y) & ~y=x) IV. Size axioms: if phi is a formula, then the following are axioms: ([y](phi) ->(x)(x is a {m|phi} ->[z](z e x))) ([y..](phi) ->(x)(x is a {m|phi} ->[z..](z e x))) V. Acyclicity: (x)(y)(y e TC(x) -> ~y e TC(y)) / Notation:[x] stands for "there exist x" [x..] stands for "there exist many x" := stands for "is defined as" When I defined this theory I thought it might be obviously inconsistent especially with axiom V in play, but I'm not seeing a clear inconsistency with it yet. Zuhair Al-Johar 5/12/2011