The Finite principle: if Φ(y) is a formula such that when all its parameters stand for hereditarily finite "HF" sets then it follows that there exist a set {y|Φ(y)}that is hereditarily finite, then there would exist a set {y|Φ(y)}that is an element of a set as long as all parameters of Φ(y) stand for elements of sets. In symbols: Def.) elm(x):= [y](x e y) elm(x) is read as: x is an element. The Finite Principle: if Φ(y) is a formula in which x is not free and where z1,...,zn are all its parameters, then (z1)...(zn)(HF(z1)&...&HF(zn)->[x](x={y|Φ(y)} & HF(x))) -> (z1)...(zn)(elm(z1)&...&elm(zn)->[x](x={y|Φ(y)} & elm(x))) is an axiom. Now this axiom scheme coupled with the following axioms would prove ZF and Con(ZF) Construction: if Φ is a formula in which x is not free, then ([!x](x={y|elm(y)&Φ})) is an axiom Infinity: (x)((y)(y e x -> HF(y)) -> elm(x)) HF which stands for the predicate "Hereditarily Finite" is defined as a finite set where every element of its transitive closure is also finite. The transitive closure of a set is defined as the minimal transitive superset of that set. Finite set is defined as a set having maximally two elements or a set that is bijective to a subset of a natural number. A natural number is defined as an empty set or a successor Von Neumann ordinal in which every element of it is either empty or is a successor Von Neumann ordinal. A Von Neumann ordinal is defined as a transitive set of transitive sets in which every subset of it have a disjoint element of it. Of course every object in this theory is to be termed as a set, a set that is not an element of a set is to be termed as a proper set. This will obviate the need for class terminology. / This theory offers some kind of natural explanation to ZF, seeing that ZF is provable from a theory that basically pivots around three themes: that of "Construction" of sets, and that of "Mimicking the Finite world of sets" and that of a desire to have "Infinite sets"; is really a nice explanation, this somehow motivates ZF, since after all it is constructing sets by mimicking hereditary finite set construction and this seems to be reasonable intuitively. Zuhair Al-Johar 15/12/2011 PS: Notation at: